EN - My vision of Fire

First of all, I have to say that everything exposed here is somehow MY own view on the Fire element. This is subjective and I'm not aiming at solving Fire's problem or anything. I just think that people tends to see fire as "burn things, haste things" or/and "Win T6 or bust"
I hate playing a fire deck this way. I love that people tries it, I mean, right now fire kinda sucks, but this is not how I would do it.

Fire Cards

Fire cards are bad, what the hell this element is shitty, etc... Well, I'm not here to say Fire has better cards than Ice. But Fire has things. Lots of them. We just have to exploit them.

For instance, Opus 6 brought us Zell, our fiery monk. I remember someone telling me "How can you play this, it sucks hard!" We played 3 game in a row, where Zell did all he had to do : get in, damage/destroy something, deal damage, and that's it. The guy finally agreed that Zell is totally worth it. You just have to know the cards, what they do, how to use them.
If nobody plays Fire, like never, how will we see if there is anything we can do about it ? Always give Fire a chance guys.

How I play Fire, and why I hate Tifa [1-016C]

As I said, I don't like "aggro Fire". What do I play ? Let's use two cards to illustrate what I think : Xande and Sabin

Those bad boys are quite the cards... Big, strong effect when they attack... Left unchecked, they spell trouble for your ennemies. Look at how Aggro they are! When they attack, you got an effect : better attack every turn, this is what aggro is!

I'll just say: no.
Sure you will attack almost everyturn. But this is not what I see as aggro.

Sabin is undestructible. This means, quite simply, that when you attack, you deal one point of damage or you break a forward. What if Sabin had: "Sabin can't attack. Dull Sabin : Break a forward your opponent control. Sabin cannot be broken this turn." ? This is an interesting effect, right ? This is what Sabin is : at some point, he will break things. Sooner or later.
Xande deals 5K when attacking. This is not as massive as Sabin's effect, but you can use this in 3 ways :
- Make sure that Huge big boy your opponent controls dies if he blocks Xande
- Kill that litlle viking that would happily block your attack
- Hurt that big thing that you will finish with another effect/summon.

The same way we did with Sabin, we could translate Xande's effect into "Dull Xande : deal 5k to a forward"

(Note : I'm not speaking of their others abilities, this is not the point there)

What this all means is that everyturn, with those two boys, you create value. This is "free damage", did not cost cards or CP. Do you know another decks that wins only by this condition ? It's Earth-Wind Dadaluma+Pampa.

In my opinion, we should play fire as a value-oriented deck, aiming to generate advantages over time through the effect our cards have.

What does this gameplay offers ?

First, you now stop rushing things. You get some backups down, and once ready, you start to push for some fights and damage. Fire has tons of cards that can be used there : Luneth, Guy, Firion, Xande, Sabin, Zhuyu, Garland, and that good old Jecht (from opus 7).
Backups are another problem : you don't have much to play on an empty board that is not aggro. Red mage is still a solid choice (it reads : "Pay 2, dull : choose the forward Sabin could break this turn" :o)
Illusionist (6-005C) is another great choice. I also obviously play Selphie to fetch Zell and Caetuna to kill something.
Since you start with backup, you don't get far behind by turn 6-7 if you have not win : at this point, you can have traded damage and you can setup your big boys to hit. Once Xande hits the field, you will now remove your opponent forwards (I use Ifrits to finish the job, and they work nicely with Firion with First Strike)
After some time, you opponent will start to lack fowards (you can lack removal too). At this point, you may have dealt some damage, and Sabin will break forwards or get your opponent to 6 damage. Once 6 damage has been established, Zhuyu is funny.

Does it work ?

No. I mean, it's fun, it wins game, it has some good and bad matchups, but you will not win any tournament with this. Lots of reasons why :
- Not enough support, almost all my backups are food for Firion since they're just shitty for my gameplay.
- Fire insta loses to Dadaluma/Y'Shtola, and since you're not lpaying Haste.dek, Lightning will crush you. Diablos L is also a pain.
- I could probably tune up my list to improve winrate.
Hopefully, you don't hardlose totally to Lightning, Scions are manageable. Viceking is just out of reach because they outresource you while you remove their forwards until they can just Nidhogg your face.

Wait, I've been reading this long for something useless ?

Not at all. It could work. This is the direction I'd like to see fire being pushed to. You have removals, great combinations of cards, and you get comeback mechanisms. Or at least "don't get sent to the grave instantly mechanisms".
I truly hope, at some point, we'll get things to make this fire deck works. Every tiny things help. Maybe it will be strong one day, if the meta allows it.

What are you thoughts on fire? How do you play it and what do you want so see next opus for Fire? Tell us in the comments!


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