Rebellion's call Spoiler : Ixion 17-090R

(French below)

 Hello everyone, 

Today I will introduce a card from the next opus, Ixion. Before that though, I want you to know it's the 200th article I'm writing in this blog, since it's the 200th day of the year. Time sure flies by. Now let's get to the card.

Look at this ! A gorgeous MOBIUS artwork for a lightning summon, I couldn't ask for more. 

Ixion is a summon with an extra cost, which allows you to decide how you will use it. Paying 2 to break all the 1 and 2CP forwards can be quite potent, and if paying 5 to break Forwards of cost 3 or less does not seem that appealing, it's still an option that you have in your deck if it comes to that.

Ixion has 2 drawbacks by itself.

First, he'll also clean your side of the field, meaning you can remove some of your forwards, depending on your list. I'm generally playing Lasswell/Agrias with my Lightning/Ice deck, so Ixion is a double edge sword.

Secondly, it really depends on how the meta evolves. Right before Macherie's ban, there were Rydia, Twins, Macherie, Braska, Penelo or Zidane for instance. Tomorrow, some might disappear, making Ixion useless.

All in all I'm really pleased with the card, since it can break several forwards at once, something Lightning always had trouble to do. It's still a reactive summon that have specific targets, which is not a recipe on how to shake the meta.

Thanks for reading all this, now you can share this with all your friends =)


Bonjour à tous, 

J'vais faire court, vous avez déjà tout en anglais aha! Mais c'est le 200ième jour et 200ième article et je sors une invoc foudre, ça fait plaisir ! 

Si l'overcost peut paraitre cher, c'est une option et on prend toujours les options. Ixion a deux gros défauts cependant : 

D'abord, ça clean ton board aussi. Exit les Lasswell/Agrias par exemple :(

Enfin, ça dépend de la meta. S'il reste plus que 3 Rydia qui se battent en duel car Braska/Maacherie/Twins sont partis, la carte sert moins.

Plus de détail en anglais, si vous en voulez. :p

Merci de m'avoir lu, et à demain !


  1. Ban ixion, ça tue trop de decks et ça kill pas morze, honteux ! :p

  2. Incroyable cet Ixion :) selon la méta, il peut faire des ravages pour seulement 2


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